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Beaux's first light house visit

Hello all!

This post has me in all my feels, and I wanted to share just how gorgeous this day ended up for Beaux and I! Yes it was about 42 degrees and SO cold, but we more than fortunate enough to have such a clear and sunshiny day. We started our adventure with stopping for coffee (of course) and we came across this cute little coffee house called " COFFEE AND CREAM CAFE" from the moment we walked in I knew I was in love! Inside was a table full of the cutest older ladies gossiping about their weekend and the barista was happy as could be. She let us know that the coffee shop was family owned and has been in the neighborhood for many years! Beaux of course was the biggest distraction and received all sorts of love from everyone, especially his hat! So after ordering my white chocolate mocha (double shot of espresso, because who needs to sleep) we took our seats for our lunch. After a handful of kangaroo crackers and a peanut butter sandwich we were ready to proceed with our adventure to the light house. We for sure will have to make 1, 2 or 10 more trips to this coffee shop.

Once we got to the light house, not only did I notice how calm the water was but all of the cute dogs were out playing with their owners! Beaux had the most fun running around and trying to get every dog to notice him and all of his existence. Finally there was a nice couple who let Beaux pet their dog. She was an older Corgi dog, 12 years to be exact, who was so sweet and loved all of Beaux's gentle pets. Even though she couldn't hear she was more then able to give kisses!

Once Beaux was done loving on the all the dogs, we ran all around the open grass field and rolled down the hills until we came across a huge tee-pee! From what we were told, the tee-pee was going to be used and lit on fire for the Christmas ship that was to arrive that weekend! So we made sure that everything looked good and that there wasn't any stick out of place, so that the Christmas ship wouldn't lose its way :)

I cant wait to share where Beaux and I will go next!

*All photo's were shot with a Canon Rebel XTI 400D

* By popular question, Beaux's hat is from OshKosh

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